DUI Insurance Rates

So you got yourself arrested for drunk driving, got your license suspended, have some nasty fines to pay, and may even be facing jail-time. All because of a couple of bottles of beer. Doesn't seem worth it in retrospect, does it? Drunk Driving or DUI (Driving Under the Influence) is a very serious offense and stays on your record for years.

Life after a DUI arrest can be... expensive. Nowhere is this fact more pronounced than on your car insurance policy. Expect your premiums to rise twice or even three times it's original amount. To the eyes of car insurance companies, “DUI” equals “High-risk”. And the higher the risk you carry, the higher your DUI insurance rates becomes. Some may even opt to drop you as a customer for being too much of a “risk”.

•The best way to recover from a DUI is to learn how to become a more responsible driver. Any further accidents you get involved in, or tickets you incur, will only cause your rates to skyrocket further. Love your driving history!

•Avoid lapses in your SR22 insurance policy. Allowing it to get canceled will only compound your problems as your carrier might not accept you back as a customer.

•Look for a car insurance company that specializes on high-risk/DUI cases. Most of the time you can get better a DUI insurance rates with them, compared to a general-coverage insurance company.

•Reduce the risk you represent as a driver. This can be done by taking defensive driving classes, by limiting your annual mileage, and by installing additional safety and security features on your car.

It usually takes three-years worth of responsible driving and continuous car insurance coverage for you to recover from a drunk driving arrest and get your DUI insurance rates lowered. Your full commitment is necessary to accomplish this, but the money you can save for getting yourself back on track can be quite substantial.

Article Source: http://www.share.citynewslive.com

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